This course explains the concept of building science-based and/or evidence-based legislation as a risk management strategy for ensuring food safety and quality. Insight is gained into European and national (Belgian) food legislation, framed in a broad international context.

The micro-credential is primarily aimed at a professional audience at companies from the food industry, sector organisations that are interested in food safety.


1. European level

  • History and EU institutions
  • General Food Law
  • The Food Hygiene Package and legislation related to (micro)biological hazards

Legislation related to chemical hazards (e.g. residues and contaminants including food contact materials)

  • Legislation related to Food Improvement Agents (e.g. additives, enzymes, flavourings)
  • Legislation related to Food Information for Consumers (FIC)
  • Legislation related to Health and Nutrition claims
  • Legislation related to Novel foods, GMOs
  • Other documents (e.g. Guidance documents, Commission Notices) as “soft laws"

2. National level (Belgium)

  • Belgian Self-checking/autocontrol (principles, sector guides, checklists, quick start sheets…)
  • Recognitions, authorizations and registration of food business operators
  • Organisational framework (food safety agency and ministry of public health)

3. International context

  • Codex Alimentarius – horizontal and vertical standards
  • Setting risk-based and evidence based legal framework as risk management strategy

4. Case study
Students need to select a legal food related issue (e.g. in their home country) or select a particular food product and food business to discuss this towards presence/absence of legal documents, link towards international framework, critical view of effectiveness to govern the quality/safety/nutritional status of the food.

In this case study, students should apply relevant legal documents by use of platforms, search engines and interpret these through knowledge gained during the lectures. This will be presented and discussed before the group.

Data, duur & lesuren
van februari tot juni 2025 – 11 sessies – lesuren: van 16u tot 19u



Campus Coupure, Coupure Links 653, Gent
75 EUR/halve dag/dlnr (max 225/have dag voor 3 dln
Raadpleeg kalender lesgever
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Ivo Francken

Adviseur voedingstechnologie
0476 91 08 33
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